Our Students & Alumni

Passion. Enthusiasm. Purpose.

We are continually inspired by the stories of our students. They’re why we do what we do. They come with a passion to help others, an enthusiasm to learn, and a desire for a greater purpose in their careers. That motivates us to provide the best possible education so they can achieve their goals.

The VCMT student body is wide ranging, from former olympic athletes and business owners to students with backgrounds in the arts, moms and dads, and students who are new to Canada!

Our Students & Alumni

Open To All

VCMT is open to all who are ready to work hard and apply themselves to becoming the best possible therapist and embarking on a career with the purpose of improving the lives of others on a daily basis. If that resonates with you, we’d love to have you apply!

Our Students & Alumni

Open To All

VCMT is open to all who are ready to work hard and apply themselves to becoming the best possible therapist and embarking on a career with the purpose of improving the lives of others on a daily basis. If that resonates with you, we’d love to have you apply!

Our Students & Alumni

A Few Of Our Students

To see all of our students at The Mend, our student massage clinic, click here.


Amaluddin Janif

Chandigarh, India

Namya Prakash

Coquitlam, Canada

Vanessa Mayrand

Winnipeg, Canada

Jonae Abloa


Amaluddin Janif

What were you doing before pursuing RMT?

Health and Wellness Coach | Personal Trainer

Why do you want to be an RMT?

I want to have more tools, knowledge and add more values for the people who needs help with their health and wellbeing.

What is your favourite thing about VCMT?

I love the structure they have in place for the students to thrive. I love my cohort!

Chandigarh, India

Namya Prakash

What were you doing before pursuing RMT?

Before embarking on my RMT course, I held the position of an office manager within a Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic. This also granted me invaluable insight into different facets of healthcare professionals of which RMT intrigued me the most.

Why do you want to be an RMT?

The path to becoming an RMT resonates with my innate purpose of making a significant difference in people’s lives, as I strive to alleviate their pain and discomfort. The deeply satisfying gratification of witnessing individuals regain their health and build greater control over their physical well-being serves as a constant source of motivation.

What is your favourite thing about VCMT?

The highlight of VCMT is the close-knit community I share with my cohort, along with the strong sense of encouragement and fellowship cultivated by both the students and faculty.

Coquitlam, Canada

Vanessa Mayrand

What were you doing before pursuing RMT?

Before being a student at VCMT, I was busy raising my 3 boys and teaching dance & barre fitness classes.

Why do you want to be an RMT?

I want to be an RMT so that I can make a positive difference in people’s lives. It is a huge honour to walk alongside people, empower them and help them feel good in their bodies.

What is your favourite thing about VCMT?

I love how passionate the instructors are. I love learning about the body and how to help people.

Winnipeg, Canada

Jonae Abloa

What were you doing before pursuing RMT?

I previously completed a diploma to be a Rehabilitation Therapy Assistant. I work alongside Physiotherapists and Occupational therapists in Emergency, ICU/HAU, and Internal Medicine, to promote, restore, maintain, and enhance patients level of functioning in the areas of mobility and day-to-day activities.

Why do you want to be an RMT?

I want to utilize therapeutic massage as a modality to foster clarity by alleviating physical and emotional stress stored within our bodies to enhance overall wellness and contribute towards helping my community live life in ease.

What is your favourite thing about VCMT?

I enjoy the empowering environment and challenge to grow each day.

Our Students & Alumni

Be a Mentor!

The Alumni Mentorship Program is an initiative that intends to build connections between current students in the program with former students who have moved on into their career as an RMT. The supportive community here at VCMT is a key attribute that elevates this program, as many students graduate from the program feeling like they were well supported along the way.

As a result, many VCMT alumni desire to give back to those currently in the program. The mentorship might vary from students who are just embarking on their schooling and looking for some advice as they settle into the rigors of the program, to those who are nearing graduation and looking for guidance as they transition into their professional career.

If you are an alumni or recent grad ready to start your job search, explore our curated RMT Job Postings here!

How Can I Sign Up?

If you are an alumni interested in being a mentor, or a current student looking to connect with a mentor, click the link to the info page to sign up! You can simply fill out the questionnaire linked below, which will then allow VCMT to pair you up with an individual with similar interests! If you have any questions feel free to email us at alumni@vcmt.ca.

Become A MentorBecome A Mentee